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What the Health?

blog Apr 02, 2022

I recently started writing a little health article for the local paper. Also, would like to share here.

Let’s say you are sitting in the park on a nice spring day. Some people had been there before you and had a picnic, they had left a piece of bread behind on the ground. As you sit there you watch the ants start going to work on the bread. So many ants marching up to the piece of bread and grabbing a piece to take it home to store. It is quite the operation. They are so methodical, take a piece, back home to store, go back for another piece. Lather, rinse, repeat. You could sit there and be mesmerized by this process. The ants work together to reach their common goal. Why do we, as humans, seem to think we need to do things all on our own? Why do we think that we can make life changes without support? Can we do this? Yes, we can. However, it is better to have support. There could have been one ant that decided to take that bread apart piece by piece but that would have been extremely tedious. We recently started a weight loss program at my office. There is a group of people, with a common goal. They come together to encourage and support each other to reach their goals. It’s great! No one is doing it alone, no one should do it alone. I encourage you to find your support team in areas of your life that you would like to improve, it could dramatically improve your results.

Yours in Health,
Dr. Sara Jayne


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