Have you ever had a day where it seems like all you do is yell? Does it seem like everything your spouse or kids say maybe gets under your skin? No one is listening when you have repeatedly asked to clean up a mess, put something away, take a shower, get dressed, brush your teeth, take your vitamins, get in the car, lay down, shut the light off, go to sleep.....you get the point. We all have these days. Some times we experience weeks of this. I can vividly remember a few times when I have said something and then stopped and thought "Why in the world did I yell and why did I say that?" Sometimes we just have had enough. We have had enough noise and disrespect and we are tired. And you know what? That's ok. It's ok to be tired and it's ok to want the peace and quiet. Because we don't want that forever, we just sometimes need some time for ourselves. Think about everything you do for your family. I will list some of what I do, maybe you can relate. Primary care giver, chef, garb maidservant, kitchen cleaner, bath giver/shower coordinator, director of all animal activities, teacher, director of health and chief snuggler. I love all of these roles that I play. But somedays, I am tired. Somedays it is the kind of tired that I am just quiet. I don't have the energy to try and keep everyone in line. So, I just quietly go through the motions. Everyone but the three year old knows this old trick.
Last week I had one of those days. The oldest says "Mom, I'm sorry we annoy you sometimes." That stung a little....but I remained calm and said "I am sure I annoy you some days too. It happens." I'm not going to say "Oh, honey bunny....you never annoy mommy!" That is fake news. The truth is sometimes I am annoyed. Guess what, sometimes things annoy them too, and, that's ok! It isn't ok to let it dominate our attitude or lives in general but some days it happens. We all have emotions and we all need to deal with them, not let them manipulate us. I find it important to educate my kids on that too.
You are likely the most popular person in your house. You need to recharge your batteries and sometimes you need to do what you need to do. That might be read a book, binge a show, exercise, sleep, eat a batch of cookies. Whatever. Take care of you because sometimes we have rough weeks and I think it serves as a reminder to take a step back. Sometimes it's nice to take a step back and take a little time to ourselves so we take the time to remember what we are grateful for. Remember, everyone still knows that you love them. Plus, it's easier to love others when you love yourself.
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